liferay-portlet-app_7_4_0.dtd: Elements - Entities - Source | Intro - Index


<!DOCTYPE liferay-portlet-app PUBLIC "-//Liferay//DTD Portlet Application 7.4.0//EN" "">

<liferay-portlet-app> Root element

The liferay-portlet-app element is the root of the deployment descriptor for a Liferay portlet application.

<liferay-portlet-app>'s children
custom-user-attributeAny number
portletAny number
role-mapperAny number
Element's model:

(portlet*, role-mapper*, custom-user-attribute*)

<portlet> Child of liferay-portlet-app

The portlet element contains the declarative data of a portlet.

<portlet>'s children
action-timeoutOne or none
action-url-redirectOne or none
activeOne or none
add-default-resourceOne or none
ajaxableOne or none
application-typeAny number
asset-renderer-factoryAny number
atom-collection-adapterAny number
autopropagated-parametersOne or none
configuration-action-classOne or none
configuration-pathOne or none
control-panel-entry-categoryOne or none
control-panel-entry-classOne or none
control-panel-entry-weightOne or none
css-class-wrapperOne or none
custom-attributes-displayAny number
facebook-integrationOne or none
footer-portal-cssAny number
footer-portal-javascriptAny number
footer-portlet-cssAny number
footer-portlet-javascriptAny number
friendly-url-mapper-classOne or none
friendly-url-mappingOne or none
friendly-url-routesOne or none
header-portal-cssAny number
header-portal-javascriptAny number
header-portlet-cssAny number
header-portlet-javascriptAny number
header-request-attribute-prefixAny number
header-timeoutOne or none
iconOne or none
includeOne or none
indexer-classAny number
instanceableOne or none
layout-cacheableOne or none
maximize-editOne or none
maximize-helpOne or none
open-search-classOne or none
parent-struts-pathOne or none
partial-action-serve-resourceOne or none
permission-propagatorOne or none
pop-message-listener-classOne or none
pop-up-printOne or none
portlet-configuration-listener-classOne or none
portlet-data-handler-classOne or none
portlet-dependency-css-enabledOne or none
portlet-dependency-javascript-enabledOne or none
portlet-layout-listener-classOne or none
portlet-nameOnly one
portlet-url-classOne or none
preferences-company-wideOne or none
preferences-owned-by-groupOne or none
preferences-unique-per-layoutOne or none
private-request-attributesOne or none
private-session-attributesOne or none
render-timeoutOne or none
render-weightOne or none
requires-namespaced-parametersOne or none
restore-current-viewOne or none
scheduler-entryAny number
scopeableOne or none
show-portlet-access-deniedOne or none
show-portlet-inactiveOne or none
single-page-applicationOne or none
social-activity-interpreter-classAny number
social-request-interpreter-classOne or none
staged-model-data-handler-classAny number
struts-pathOne or none
systemOne or none
template-handlerOne or none
trash-handlerAny number
url-encoder-classOne or none
use-default-templateOne or none
user-notification-definitionsOne or none
user-notification-handler-classAny number
user-principal-strategyOne or none
virtual-pathOne or none
webdav-storage-classOne or none
webdav-storage-tokenOne or none
workflow-handlerAny number
xml-rpc-method-classOne or none
Element's model:

(portlet-name, icon?, virtual-path?, struts-path?, parent-struts-path?, configuration-path?, configuration-action-class?, indexer-class*, open-search-class?, scheduler-entry*, portlet-url-class?, friendly-url-mapper-class?, friendly-url-mapping?, friendly-url-routes?, url-encoder-class?, portlet-data-handler-class?, staged-model-data-handler-class*, template-handler?, portlet-configuration-listener-class?, portlet-layout-listener-class?, pop-message-listener-class?, social-activity-interpreter-class*, social-request-interpreter-class?, user-notification-definitions?, user-notification-handler-class*, webdav-storage-token?, webdav-storage-class?, xml-rpc-method-class?, application-type*, control-panel-entry-category?, control-panel-entry-weight?, control-panel-entry-class?, asset-renderer-factory*, atom-collection-adapter*, custom-attributes-display*, permission-propagator?, trash-handler*, workflow-handler*, preferences-company-wide?, preferences-unique-per-layout?, preferences-owned-by-group?, use-default-template?, show-portlet-access-denied?, show-portlet-inactive?, action-url-redirect?, restore-current-view?, maximize-edit?, maximize-help?, pop-up-print?, layout-cacheable?, instanceable?, scopeable?, single-page-application?, user-principal-strategy?, private-request-attributes?, private-session-attributes?, autopropagated-parameters?, requires-namespaced-parameters?, action-timeout?, render-timeout?, render-weight?, ajaxable?, header-portal-css*, header-portlet-css*, header-portal-javascript*, header-portlet-javascript*, header-request-attribute-prefix*, header-timeout?, footer-portal-css*, footer-portlet-css*, footer-portal-javascript*, footer-portlet-javascript*, partial-action-serve-resource?, portlet-dependency-css-enabled?, portlet-dependency-javascript-enabled?, css-class-wrapper?, facebook-integration?, add-default-resource?, system?, active?, include?)

<portlet-name> Child of portlet

The portlet-name element contains the unique name of the portlet. This name must match the portlet-name specified in portlet.xml.

<icon> Child of portlet

The icon element specifies an image that represents the portlet.

<virtual-path> Child of portlet

The virtual-path value sets the virtual path used to override the default servlet context path.

For example, suppose your portlet is deployed to the servlet path "/test-portlet". By default, the portal will return "/test-portlet" for the servlet context path. You can override it by setting virtual-path to "/virtual" and have the portal return "/virtual" for the servlet context path.

The default value is "" which means this is not used.

<struts-path> Child of portlet

Suppose the struts-path value is "mail". This tells the portal that all requests with the path mail/* are considered part of this portlet's scope. Users who request paths that match mail/* will only be granted access if they also have access to this portlet. This is true for both portlet requests and regular servlet requests.

<parent-struts-path> Child of portlet

The parent-struts-path must be the struts-path of another portlet in the same web application. The current portlet will be able to use all the struts mappings of the parent without duplicating them in struts-config.xml.

<configuration-path> Child of portlet

The configuration-path value is no longer available. Use configuration-action-class instead.

<configuration-action-class> Child of portlet

The configuration-action-class value must be a class that implements com.liferay.portal.kernel.portlet.ConfigurationAction and is called to allow users to configure the portlet at runtime.


<indexer-class> Child of portlet

The indexer-class value must be a class that implements and is called to create or update a search index for the portlet.


<open-search-class> Child of portlet

The open-search-class value must be a class that implements and is called to get search results in the OpenSearch 1.1 standard.


<scheduler-entry> Child of portlet

The scheduler-entry element contains the declarative data of a scheduler.

<scheduler-entry>'s children
scheduler-descriptionOne or none
scheduler-event-listener-classOnly one
triggerOnly one
Element's model:

(scheduler-description?, scheduler-event-listener-class, trigger)

<scheduler-description> Child of scheduler-entry

The scheduler-description value describes a scheduler.

<scheduler-event-listener-class> Child of scheduler-entry

The scheduler-event-listener-class value must be a class that implements com.liferay.portal.kernel.messaging.MessageListener. This class will receive a message at a regular interval specified by the trigger element.

<trigger> Child of scheduler-entry

The trigger element contains configuration data to indicate when to trigger the class specified in scheduler-event-listener-class.

<trigger>'s children
cronOne or none
simpleOne or none
Element's model:

(cron | simple)

<cron> Child of trigger

The cron element specifies a cron style trigger for a scheduler.

<cron>'s children
cron-trigger-valueOne or none
property-keyOne or none
Element's model:

(property-key | cron-trigger-value)

<property-key> Child of cron, simple

The property-key value specifies a property key that will be queried from or to create a trigger. The property key will be queried from for portlets that are part of the portal and from portlet.propeties for portlets that are plugins.

For a cron trigger, the queried value should be a cron text.

For a simple trigger, the queried value should be a number that represents a time interval. The unit of measure is based on the value of time-unit element.

<cron-trigger-value> Child of cron

The cron-trigger-value value should be a cron text.

<simple> Child of trigger

The simple element specifies an interval trigger for a scheduler.

<simple>'s children
property-keyOne or none
simple-trigger-valueOne or none
time-unitOnly one
Element's model:

((property-key | simple-trigger-value), time-unit)

<simple-trigger-value> Child of simple

The simple-trigger-value value is a number that represents how often to trigger a scheduler.

<time-unit> Child of simple

The time-unit value is the unit of measure for the time specified in property-key or simple-trigger-value. Valid values for this element are "day", "hour", "minute", "second", or "week". The default value is "second".

<portlet-url-class> Child of portlet

The portlet-url-class value must be a class that extends com.liferay.portlet.PortletURLImplWrapper. Set this class to override the default portlet URL implementation.


<friendly-url-mapper-class> Child of portlet

The friendly-url-mapper-class value must be a class that implements com.liferay.portal.kernel.portlet.FriendlyURLMapper. Use this if content inside a portlet needs to have a friendly URL. See the Wiki portlet for an example of its uses.


<friendly-url-mapping> Child of portlet

The friendly-url-mapping specifies the mapping used to map a friendly URL prefix to a specific portlet. For example, the Message Boards portlet has the mapping "message_boards" and will map all friendly URL's that contains "/-/message_boards" to itself.

<friendly-url-routes> Child of portlet

The friendly-url-routes points to the XML file that defines the friendly URL routes. This file is read by the class loader.

<url-encoder-class> Child of portlet

The url-encoder-class value must be a class that implements com.liferay.portal.kernel.servlet.URLEncoder. Use this to set a custom URLEncoder that is used by the RenderResponse class to implement the encodeURL method. This is useful if you need to add custom logic to rewrite URLs.

<portlet-data-handler-class> Child of portlet

The portlet-data-handler-class value must be a class that implements com.liferay.portlet.exportimport.lar.PortletDataHandler and is called when archiving tasks are run.


<staged-model-data-handler-class> Child of portlet

The staged-model-data-handler-class value must be a class that implements com.liferay.portal.kernel.lar.StagedModelDatahandler and is called to handle export and import logic for a staged model entity.

<portlet-configuration-listener-class> Child of portlet

Sorry, no documentation.

<portlet-layout-listener-class> Child of portlet

The portlet-layout-listener-class value must be a class that implements com.liferay.portal.kernel.portlet.PortletLayoutListener and is called when a portlet is added, moved, or removed from a layout.


<pop-message-listener-class> Child of portlet

The pop-message-listener-class value must be a class that implements com.liferay.portal.kernel.pop.MessageListener and is called when processing emails.


<social-activity-interpreter-class> Child of portlet

The social-activity-interpreter-class value must be a class that implements and is called to interpret activities into friendly messages that are easily understandable by a human being.


<social-request-interpreter-class> Child of portlet

The social-request-interpreter-class value must be a class that implements and is called to interpret requests into friendly messages that are easily understandable by a human being.


<user-notification-handler-class> Child of portlet

The user-notification-handler-class value must be a class that implements com.liferay.portal.kernel.notifications.UserNotificationHandler is called to interpret requests into friendly messages that are easily understandable by a human being.


<user-notification-definitions> Child of portlet

The user-notification-definitions points to the XML file that defines the user notifications for this portlet. This file is read by the class loader.

<webdav-storage-token> Child of portlet

The webdav-storage-token value is the WebDAV directory name for data managed by this portlet.


<webdav-storage-class> Child of portlet

The webdav-storage-class value must be a class that implements com.liferay.portal.kernel.webdav.WebDAVStorage and allows data to be exposed via the WebDAV protocol.


<xml-rpc-method-class> Child of portlet

The xml-rpc-method-class value must be a class that implements com.liferay.portal.kernel.xmlrpc.Method and allows data to be exposed via the XML-RPC protocol.


<application-type> Child of portlet

The application-type value must be "full-page-application" or "widget".

<control-panel-entry-category> Child of portlet

Set the control-panel-entry-category value to "my" to make this portlet available within the My Account administration of the user. Set the value to "apps", "configuration", "sites", or "users" to make it available in the Control Panel under that category. Set the value to "site_administration.configuration", "site_administration.content", "site_administration.members" or "site_administration.navigation" to make it available in the Site Administration under that category. Legacy values from previous versions of Liferay will be automatically mapped to the new values: "content" to "site_administration.content", "portal" to "users", and "server" to "apps".

<control-panel-entry-weight> Child of portlet

Set the control-panel-entry-weight value to a double number to control the position of the entry within its Control Panel category. Higher values mean that the entry will appear lower in the Control Panel menu.

<control-panel-entry-class> Child of portlet

The control-panel-entry-class value must be a class that implements com.liferay.portal.kernel.portlet.ControlPanelEntry and is called by the Control Panel to decide whether the portlet should be shown to a specific user in a specific context. The default value is set in


<asset-renderer-factory> Child of portlet

The asset-renderer-factory value must be a class that implements com.liferay.portlet.asset.model.AssetRendererFactory and is called by the Asset Publisher.


<atom-collection-adapter> Child of portlet

The atom-collection-adapter value must be a class that implements com.liferay.portal.kernel.atom.AtomCollectionAdapter.

This element is deprecated as of 7.4.0, with no direct replacement.

<custom-attributes-display> Child of portlet

The custom-attributes-display value must be a class that implements com.liferay.portlet.expando.model.CustomAttributesDisplay and is called by the custom fields administration UI.


<permission-propagator> Child of portlet

The permission-propagator value must be a class that implements and is called to propagate permissions.

<template-handler> Child of portlet

The template-handler value must be a class that implements com.liferay.portal.kernel.template.TemplateHandler and is called when displaying the portlet.

<trash-handler> Child of portlet

The trash-handler value must be a class that implements com.liferay.portal.kernel.trash.TrashHandler and is called to manage trash entries.

<workflow-handler> Child of portlet

Sorry, no documentation.

<preferences-company-wide> Child of portlet

Set the preferences-company-wide value to true if the preferences for the portlet are across the entire company. Setting this value to true means the value for preferences-unique-per-layout and preferences-owned-by-group are not used. The default value is false.

For example, an administrator could set the preferences to an Announcements portlet that would save a message in the portlet's preferences. This message would then be used across all pages for that company. The portlet must not be instanceable because instanceable portlets have uniquely generated portlet ids.

The default behavior of the bundled Announcements portlet sets the instanceable value to true so that normal users cannot create company wide messages. A future release would include permissions for the edit mode versus the view mode which would allow an administrator to set the message while users would just view the message.

<preferences-unique-per-layout> Child of portlet

Set the preferences-unique-per-layout value to true if the preferences for the portlet are unique across all pages. If set to false, the preferences for the portlet are shared across all pages. The default value is true.

The preferences-unique-per-layout element is used in combination with the preferences-owned-by-group element. See the comments for the preferences-owned-by-group element for more information.

<preferences-owned-by-group> Child of portlet

Set the preferences-owned-by-group value to true if the preferences for the portlet are owned by the group when the portlet is shown in a group page. If set to false, the preferences are owned by the user at all times. The default value is true.

Suppose the Stocks portlet has preferences-unique-per-layout set to true and preferences-owned-by-group set to false. Users can set a different list of stocks for every personal page. Users can set a different list of stocks for every community page.

Suppose the Stocks portlet has preferences-unique-per-layout set to false and preferences-owned-by-group set to false. Users can set one list of stocks to be shared across all personal pages. Users can set one list of stocks to be shared across a community's set of pages.

Suppose the Stocks portlet has preferences-unique-per-layout set to true and preferences-owned-by-group set to true. Users can set a different list of stocks for every personal page. Administrators set the portlet preferences for users in a community page. Administrators can set a different list of stocks for every community page that are then shared by all users within a community.

Suppose the Stocks portlet has preferences-unique-per-layout set to false and preferences-owned-by-group set to true. Users can set one list of stocks to be shared across all personal pages. Administrators set the portlet preferences for users in a community page. Administrators can set one list of stocks to be shared by all users across a community's set of pages.

<use-default-template> Child of portlet

Set the use-default-template value to true if the portlet uses the default template to decorate and wrap content. Setting this to false allows the developer to own and maintain the portlet's entire outputted content. The default value is true.

The most common use of this is if you want the portlet to look different from the other portlets or if you want the portlet to not have borders around the outputted content.

<show-portlet-access-denied> Child of portlet

Set the show-portlet-access-denied value to true if users are shown the portlet with an access denied message if they do not have access to the portlet. If set to false, users are never shown the portlet if they do not have access to the portlet. The default value is set in


<show-portlet-inactive> Child of portlet

Set the show-portlet-inactive value to true if users are shown the portlet with an inactive message if the portlet is inactive. If set to false, users are never shown the portlet if the portlet is inactive. The default value is set in

<action-url-redirect> Child of portlet

Set the action-url-redirect value to true if an action URL for this portlet should cause an auto redirect. This helps prevent double submits. The default value is false.

<restore-current-view> Child of portlet

Set the restore-current-view value to true if the portlet restores to the current view when toggling between maximized and normal states. If set to false, the portlet will reset the current view when toggling between maximized and normal states. The default value is true.

<maximize-edit> Child of portlet

Set the maximize-edit value to true if the portlet goes into the maximized state when the user goes into the edit mode. This only affects the default portal icons and not what may be programmatically set by the portlet developer. The default value is false.

<maximize-help> Child of portlet

Set the maximize-help value to true if the portlet goes into the maximized state when the user goes into the help mode. This only affects the default portal icons and not what may be programmatically set by the portlet developer. The default value is false.

<pop-up-print> Child of portlet

Set the pop-up-print value to true if the portlet goes into the pop up state when the user goes into the print mode. This only affects the default portal icons and not what may be programmatically set by the portlet developer. The default value is true.

<layout-cacheable> Child of portlet

Set the layout-cacheable flag to true if the data contained in this portlet can will never change unless the layout or Journal portlet entry is changed.

<instanceable> Child of portlet

Set the instanceable value to true if the portlet can appear multiple times on a page. If set to false, the portlet can only appear once on a page. The default value is false.

<scopeable> Child of portlet

If the scopeable value is set to true, an administrator will be able to configure the scope of the data of the portlet to either the current community (default), the current layout, or the scope of any other layout of the community that already exists. Portlets that want to support this must be programmed to obtain the proper scope group id according to the configuration and scope their data accordingly. The default is false.

<single-page-application> Child of portlet

If the single-page-application value is set to true, portlet links uses Single Page Application. The default is true.

<user-principal-strategy> Child of portlet

Set the user-principal-strategy value to either "userId" or "screenName". Calling request.getRemoteUser() will normally return the user id. However, some portlets may need the user principal returned to be screen name instead.

<private-request-attributes> Child of portlet

Set the private-request-attributes value to true if the portlet does not share request attributes with the portal or any other portlet. The default value is true. The property "request.shared.attributes" in specifies which request attributes are shared even when the private-request-attributes value is true.

<private-session-attributes> Child of portlet

Set the private-session-attributes value to true if the portlet does not share session attributes with the portal. The default value is true. The property "session.shared.attributes" in specifies which session attributes are shared even when the private-session-attributes value is true.

<autopropagated-parameters> Child of portlet

Set the autopropagated-parameters value to a comma delimited list of parameter names that will be automatically propagated through the portlet.

<requires-namespaced-parameters> Child of portlet

Set the requires-namespaced-parameters value to true if the portlet will only process namespaced parameters. The default value is true.

<action-timeout> Child of portlet

The default value of action-timeout is 0. If set to a value greater than 0, and monitoring-spring.xml is enabled via the property "spring.configs" in, and the property "monitoring.portlet.action.request" in is set to true, the portlet's action phase processing will be timed. If the execution time is longer than action-timeout, it will be recorded as a timeout request processing. The time unit is millisecond.

<render-timeout> Child of portlet

The default value of render-timeout is 0. If set to a value greater than 0, and monitoring-spring.xml is enabled via the property "spring.configs" in, and the property "monitoring.portlet.render.request" in is set to true, the portlet's render phase processing will be timed. If the execution time is longer than render-timeout, it will be recorded as a timeout request processing. The time unit is millisecond.

<render-weight> Child of portlet

The default value of render-weight is 1.

If set to a value of 1 or greater, the portlet is rendered serially. Portlets with a greater render weight have greater priority and will be rendered before portlets with a lower render weight.

If set to a value less than 1 when the ajaxable value is set to true, then the portlet is rendered in parallel. When the ajaxable value is set to false, then the render-weight is always set to 1 and the portlet is rendered in serial. In other words, the ajaxable value can override the render-weight value when the ajaxable is set to false.

<ajaxable> Child of portlet

The default value of ajaxable is true. If set to false, this portlet can never be displayed via Ajax.

<header-portal-css> Child of portlet

Set the path of CSS that will be referenced in the page's header relative to the portal's context path.

<header-portlet-css> Child of portlet

Set the path of CSS that will be referenced in the page's header relative to the portlet's context path.

<header-portal-javascript> Child of portlet

Set the path of JavaScript that will be referenced in the page's header relative to the portal's context path.

<header-portlet-javascript> Child of portlet

Set the path of JavaScript that will be referenced in the page's header relative to the portlet's context path.

<header-request-attribute-prefix> Child of portlet

Set the header-request-attribute-prefix that will be referenced after the HEADER_PHASE completes for each portlet. Header request attributes that have a name starting with the prefix will be copied from the header request to the subsequent render request.

<header-timeout> Child of portlet

The default value of header-timeout is 0. If set to a value greater than 0, and monitoring-spring.xml is enabled via the property "spring.configs" in, and the property "monitoring.portlet.header.request" in is set to true, the portlet's header phase processing will be timed. If the execution time is longer than header-timeout, it will be recorded as a timeout request processing. The time unit is millisecond.

<footer-portal-css> Child of portlet

Set the path of CSS that will be referenced in the page's footer relative to the portal's context path.

<footer-portlet-css> Child of portlet

Set the path of CSS that will be referenced in the page's footer relative to the portlet's context path.

<footer-portal-javascript> Child of portlet

Set the path of JavaScript that will be referenced in the page's footer relative to the portal's context path.

<footer-portlet-javascript> Child of portlet

Set the path of JavaScript that will be referenced in the page's footer relative to the portlet's context path.

<partial-action-serve-resource> Child of portlet

The default value of partial-action-serve-resource is false. If set to true, the portlet's serveResource(ResourceRequest, ResourceResponse) method will be invoked during a partial action triggered by a different portlet on the same portal page.

<portlet-dependency-css-enabled> Child of portlet

The default value of portlet-dependency-css-enabled is true. If set to false, the CSS resource dependencies specified in portlet.xml,

<portlet-dependency-javascript-enabled> Child of portlet

The default value of portlet-dependency-javascript-enabled is true. If set to false, the JavaScript resource dependencies specified in portlet.xml,

<css-class-wrapper> Child of portlet

Set name of the CSS class that will be injected in the DIV that wraps this portlet.

<facebook-integration> Child of portlet

Set the facebook-integration value to either "fbml" or "iframe". The default value is "iframe" because IFrame integration will work without requiring any changes to your code. See the Message Boards portlet for minor changes that were made to make it FBML compliant. Note that the Liferay tag libraries already output FBML automatically if a request is made by Facebook.

This element is deprecated as of 7.4.0, with no direct replacement.

<add-default-resource> Child of portlet

If the add-default-resource value is set to false and the portlet does not belong to the page but has been dynamically added, the user will not have permissions to view the portlet. If the add-default-resource value is set to true, the default portlet resources and permissions are added to the page, and the user can then view the portlet. This is useful (and necessary) for portlets that need to be dynamically added to a page. However, to prevent security loop holes, the default value is false.

The properties "portlet.add.default.resource.check.enabled" and "portlet.add.default.resource.check.whitelist" in allow security checks to be configured around this behavior.

<system> Child of portlet

Set the system value to true if the portlet is a system portlet that a user cannot manually add to their page. The default value is false.

<active> Child of portlet

Set the active value to true if the portlet is active and available to users. If set to false, the portlet will not be active or available to users. The default value is true.

This value can be changed at runtime via the Admin portlet.

<include> Child of portlet

Set the include value to true to if the portlet is available to the portal. If set to false, the portlet is not available to the portal. The default value is true.

Portlets that are not included as part of the portal are never available to the user to be made active or inactive. As far the user knows, the portlets do not even exist in the system. This allows the Liferay developers to bundle a lot of portlets in one core package, and yet allow custom deployments to turn on or off individual portlets or sets of portlets. This follows the Siebel and Microsoft model of bundling everything in one core package, but using XML configuration or registry settings to turn on and off features or sets of features.

We do not recommend that custom deployers modify the core source by removing specific portlets because this prevents an easy upgrade process in the future. The best way to turn on and off portlets is to set the include element. The advantage of this way of doing things is that it becomes very easy to deploy Liferay. All features are available in one package. The disadvantage is that by not utilizing all of the portlets, you are wasting disk space and may even take a small but static memory footprint. However, we feel that the extra disk space and memory usage is a cheap price to pay in order to provide an easy installation and upgrade path.

<role-mapper> Child of liferay-portlet-app

The role-mapper contains two names specified by role-name and role-link. The role-name value must be a role specified in portlet.xml. The role-link value must be the name of a Liferay role that exists in the database. The role-mapper element pairs up these two values to map roles from portlet.xml to roles in the Liferay database.

This is needed because Liferay roles may contain spaces whereas roles in portlet.xml cannot contain spaces. This also adds extra flexibility where the portlet vendor does not need to have any knowledge about Liferay's roles.

<role-mapper>'s children
role-linkOnly one
role-nameOnly one
Element's model:

(role-name, role-link)

<role-name> Child of role-mapper

See the comments in role-mapper element.

<role-link> Child of role-mapper

See the comments in role-mapper element.

<custom-user-attribute> Child of liferay-portlet-app

The custom-user-attribute contains a list of names that are retrieved using a custom class that extends com.liferay.portal.kernel.portlet.CustomUserAttributes.


<custom-user-attribute>'s children
custom-classOnly one
nameAt least one
Element's model:

(name+, custom-class)

<name> Child of custom-user-attribute

See the comments in custom-user-attribute element.

<custom-class> Child of custom-user-attribute

See the comments in custom-user-attribute element.