@AccessControlled @JSONWebService @ProviderType @Transactional(isolation=PORTAL, rollbackFor={PortalException.class,SystemException.class}) public interface ContactService extends BaseService
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Contact |
addContact(long userId,
String className,
long classPK,
String emailAddress,
String firstName,
String middleName,
String lastName,
long prefixListTypeId,
long suffixListTypeId,
boolean male,
int birthdayMonth,
int birthdayDay,
int birthdayYear,
String smsSn,
String facebookSn,
String jabberSn,
String skypeSn,
String twitterSn,
String jobTitle) |
List<Contact> |
getCompanyContacts(long companyId,
int start,
int end) |
int |
getCompanyContactsCount(long companyId) |
Contact |
getContact(long contactId) |
List<Contact> |
getContacts(long classNameId,
long classPK,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<Contact> orderByComparator) |
int |
getContactsCount(long classNameId,
long classPK) |
String |
Returns the OSGi service identifier.
Contact |
updateContact(long contactId,
String emailAddress,
String firstName,
String middleName,
String lastName,
long prefixListTypeId,
long suffixListTypeId,
boolean male,
int birthdayMonth,
int birthdayDay,
int birthdayYear,
String smsSn,
String facebookSn,
String jabberSn,
String skypeSn,
String twitterSn,
String jobTitle) |
Contact addContact(long userId, String className, long classPK, String emailAddress, String firstName, String middleName, String lastName, long prefixListTypeId, long suffixListTypeId, boolean male, int birthdayMonth, int birthdayDay, int birthdayYear, String smsSn, String facebookSn, String jabberSn, String skypeSn, String twitterSn, String jobTitle) throws PortalException
@Transactional(propagation=SUPPORTS, readOnly=true) List<Contact> getCompanyContacts(long companyId, int start, int end) throws PortalException
@Transactional(propagation=SUPPORTS, readOnly=true) int getCompanyContactsCount(long companyId)
@Transactional(propagation=SUPPORTS, readOnly=true) Contact getContact(long contactId) throws PortalException
@Transactional(propagation=SUPPORTS, readOnly=true) List<Contact> getContacts(long classNameId, long classPK, int start, int end, OrderByComparator<Contact> orderByComparator) throws PortalException
@Transactional(propagation=SUPPORTS, readOnly=true) int getContactsCount(long classNameId, long classPK) throws PortalException
String getOSGiServiceIdentifier()
Contact updateContact(long contactId, String emailAddress, String firstName, String middleName, String lastName, long prefixListTypeId, long suffixListTypeId, boolean male, int birthdayMonth, int birthdayDay, int birthdayYear, String smsSn, String facebookSn, String jabberSn, String skypeSn, String twitterSn, String jobTitle) throws PortalException