@JSON public class ThemeDisplay extends Object implements Cloneable, Mergeable<ThemeDisplay>, Serializable
Liferay makes the ThemeDisplay
available as a request attribute
and in various scripting and templating scopes. A typical way to obtain
is from a request:
themeDisplay = (ThemeDisplay) request.getAttribute(WebKeys.THEME_DISPLAY);
Constructor and Description |
ThemeDisplay() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
clearLayoutFriendlyURL(Layout layout) |
Object |
clone() |
String |
Returns the content delivery network (CDN) base URL, or the current
portal URL if the CDN base URL is
null . |
String |
Returns the content delivery network (CDN) dynamic resources host, or the
current portal URL if the CDN dynamic resources host is
null . |
String |
getCDNHost() |
String |
getClayCSSURL() |
ColorScheme |
getColorScheme() |
String |
Returns the color scheme ID as defined in the theme's
liferay-look-and-feel.xml . |
Company |
Returns the portal instance bean.
long |
getCompanyGroupId() |
long |
Returns the portal instance ID.
String |
Returns the server's relative path to the portal instance's logo.
int |
Returns the height of the portal instance's logo in pixels.
int |
Returns the width of the portal instance's logo in pixels.
Contact |
getContact() |
Group |
getControlPanelGroup() |
Layout |
getControlPanelLayout() |
User |
As of Cavanaugh (7.4.x), replaced by
getGuestUser() |
long |
As of Cavanaugh (7.4.x), replaced by
getGuestUserId() |
Device |
Returns the information about the detected device, such as the device's
brand, browser, operating system, screen resolution, etc.
long |
getDoAsGroupId() |
String |
Returns the encrypted ID of the "do as" user, which can be used by an
administrative user to impersonate another user, on that user's behalf.
String |
getDoAsUserLanguageId() |
String |
getFaviconURL() |
User |
Returns the portal instance's guest user.
long |
Returns the ID of the portal instance's guest user.
String |
Returns the current internationalization language's code.
String |
Returns the path element for the current internationalization language.
String |
Returns the current language's code.
Layout |
Returns the site's page.
String |
getLayoutFriendlyURL(Layout layout) |
List<Layout> |
Returns the site's top-level pages.
LayoutSet |
Returns the current layout set, being either a public layout set or a
private layout set.
String |
Returns the path to the site's configured logo, or
null if
there is no configured logo. |
LayoutTypePortlet |
getLayoutTypePortlet() |
String |
Returns the numeric portlet lifecycle indicator.
Locale |
Returns the locale used for displaying content.
String |
getMainCSSURL() |
String |
getMainJSURL() |
List<NavItem> |
getNavItems() |
String |
getPathApplet() |
String |
getPathCms() |
String |
Returns the base URL for the color scheme's images, which can be
configured in the theme's
liferay-look-and-feel.xml . |
String |
getPathContext() |
String |
Returns the URL for the control panel's spritemap.
String |
Returns the URL for the site's private layout set.
String |
Returns the URL for the user's private page set.
String |
Returns the URL for the site's public page set.
String |
Returns the URL for the portal instance's images.
String |
Returns the URL for the portal instance's JavaScript resources.
String |
Returns the URL for the portal instance's main servlet.
String |
getPathSound() |
String |
Returns the URL for the theme's CSS directory.
String |
Returns the URL for the theme's images.
String |
Returns the URL for the theme's JavaScript directory.
String |
Returns the base URL for the theme.
String |
Returns the URL for the theme's spritemap.
String |
Returns the URL for the theme's templates.
PermissionChecker |
Returns the permission checker, which is used to ensure users making
resource requests have the necessary access permissions.
long |
Returns the primary key of the page.
String |
getPortalDomain() |
String |
Returns the portal instance's base URL, which can be configured by
setting the
web.server.host property in a
portal-ext.properties file. |
PortletDisplay |
getPortletDisplay() |
String |
getPpid() |
String |
getProtocol() |
String |
getRealCompanyLogo() |
int |
getRealCompanyLogoHeight() |
int |
getRealCompanyLogoWidth() |
User |
Returns the logged in user.
long |
Returns the ID of the logged in user.
Group |
getRefererGroup() |
long |
getRefererGroupId() |
long |
getRefererPlid() |
String |
getRemoteAddr() |
String |
getRemoteHost() |
javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest |
Returns the currently served HTTP servlet request.
javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse |
Returns the currently served HTTP servlet response.
Group |
Returns the scoped or sub-scoped active group (e.g. site).
long |
Returns the ID of the scoped or sub-scoped active group (e.g. site).
String |
Returns the name of the scoped or sub-scoped active group (e.g. site).
Layout |
getScopeLayout() |
String |
Returns the portal instance's server name, which can be configured by
setting the
web.server.host property in a
portal-ext.properties file. |
int |
Returns the server port, which can be configured by setting the
web.server.http.port or web.server.https.port
property in a portal-ext.properties file. |
String |
Returns the session ID, or a blank string if the session ID is not
available to the application.
Locale |
getSiteDefaultLocale() |
Group |
getSiteGroup() |
long |
getSiteGroupId() |
long |
getSiteGroupIdOrLiveGroupId() |
String |
getSiteGroupName() |
javax.portlet.PortletPreferences |
getStrictLayoutPortletSetup(Layout layout,
String portletId) |
Theme |
getTheme() |
String |
getThemeId() |
String |
getThemeSetting(String key)
Returns the theme's configurable settings, which are declared in
liferay-look-and-feel.xml and are configurable in the user
interface. |
Properties |
Returns the theme's configurable settings, which are declared in
liferay-look-and-feel.xml and are configurable in the user
interface. |
String |
getTilesContent() |
String |
getTilesTitle() |
TimeZone |
getTimeZone() |
List<Layout> |
getUnfilteredLayouts() |
String |
getURLControlPanel() |
String |
getURLCurrent() |
String |
getURLHome() |
javax.portlet.PortletURL |
getURLMyAccount() |
String |
getURLPortal() |
javax.portlet.PortletURL |
getURLPublishToLive() |
String |
getURLSignIn() |
String |
getURLSignOut() |
User |
The user for which the current request is being handled.
long |
Returns the ID of the user for which the current request is being
boolean |
isAddSessionIdToURL() |
boolean |
isAjax() |
boolean |
isAsync() |
boolean |
isHubAction() |
boolean |
isHubPartialAction() |
boolean |
isHubResource() |
boolean |
isI18n() |
boolean |
true if the user is being impersonated by an
administrative user. |
boolean |
isIncludedJs(String js) |
boolean |
isIncludePortletCssJs() |
boolean |
isIsolated() |
boolean |
isLifecycleAction() |
boolean |
isLifecycleEvent() |
boolean |
isLifecycleRender() |
boolean |
isLifecycleResource() |
boolean |
isPortletEmbedded(long groupId,
Layout layout,
String portletId) |
boolean |
isPortletEmbedded(String portletId) |
boolean |
isSecure() |
boolean |
isShowControlMenu() |
boolean |
isShowControlPanelIcon() |
boolean |
isShowHomeIcon() |
boolean |
isShowLayoutTemplatesIcon() |
boolean |
isShowMyAccountIcon() |
boolean |
isShowPageCustomizationIcon() |
boolean |
isShowPageSettingsIcon() |
boolean |
isShowPortalIcon() |
boolean |
isShowSignInIcon() |
boolean |
isShowSignOutIcon() |
boolean |
isShowSiteAdministrationIcon() |
boolean |
isShowStagingIcon() |
boolean |
isSignedIn() |
boolean |
isStateExclusive() |
boolean |
isStateMaximized() |
boolean |
isStatePopUp() |
boolean |
isThemeCssFastLoad() |
boolean |
isThemeImagesFastLoad() |
boolean |
isThemeJsBarebone() |
boolean |
isThemeJsFastLoad() |
boolean |
isTilesSelectable() |
boolean |
isWidget() |
ThemeDisplay |
merge(ThemeDisplay themeDisplay) |
void |
setAddSessionIdToURL(boolean addSessionIdToURL) |
void |
setAjax(boolean ajax) |
void |
setAsync(boolean async) |
void |
setCDNBaseURL(String cdnBase) |
void |
setCDNDynamicResourcesHost(String cdnDynamicResourcesHost) |
void |
setCDNHost(String cdnHost) |
void |
setClayCSSURL(String clayCSSURL) |
void |
setCompany(Company company) |
void |
setCompanyLogo(String companyLogo) |
void |
setCompanyLogoHeight(int companyLogoHeight) |
void |
setCompanyLogoWidth(int companyLogoWidth) |
void |
setContact(Contact contact) |
void |
setDevice(Device device) |
void |
setDoAsGroupId(long doAsGroupId) |
void |
setDoAsUserId(String doAsUserId) |
void |
setDoAsUserLanguageId(String doAsUserLanguageId) |
void |
setFaviconURL(String faviconURL) |
void |
setHubAction(boolean hubAction) |
void |
setHubPartialAction(boolean hubPartialAction) |
void |
setHubResource(boolean resource) |
void |
setI18nLanguageId(String i18nLanguageId) |
void |
setI18nPath(String i18nPath) |
void |
setIncludePortletCssJs(boolean includePortletCssJs) |
void |
setIsolated(boolean isolated) |
void |
setLanguageId(String languageId) |
void |
setLayout(Layout layout) |
void |
setLayouts(List<Layout> layouts) |
void |
setLayoutSet(LayoutSet layoutSet) |
void |
setLayoutSetLogo(String layoutSetLogo) |
void |
setLayoutTypePortlet(LayoutTypePortlet layoutTypePortlet) |
void |
setLifecycle(String lifecycle) |
void |
setLifecycleAction(boolean lifecycleAction) |
void |
setLifecycleEvent(boolean lifecycleEvent) |
void |
setLifecycleRender(boolean lifecycleRender) |
void |
setLifecycleResource(boolean lifecycleResource) |
void |
setLocale(Locale locale) |
void |
setLookAndFeel(Theme theme,
ColorScheme colorScheme) |
void |
setMainCSSURL(String mainCSSURL) |
void |
setMainJSURL(String mainJSURL) |
void |
setNavItems(List<NavItem> navItems) |
void |
setPathApplet(String pathApplet) |
void |
setPathCms(String pathCms) |
void |
setPathColorSchemeImages(String pathColorSchemeImages) |
void |
setPathContext(String pathContext) |
void |
setPathControlPanelSpritemap(String pathControlPanelSpritemap) |
void |
setPathFriendlyURLPrivateGroup(String pathFriendlyURLPrivateGroup) |
void |
setPathFriendlyURLPrivateUser(String pathFriendlyURLPrivateUser) |
void |
setPathFriendlyURLPublic(String pathFriendlyURLPublic) |
void |
setPathImage(String pathImage) |
void |
setPathJavaScript(String pathJavaScript) |
void |
setPathMain(String pathMain) |
void |
setPathSound(String pathSound) |
void |
setPathThemeCss(String pathThemeCss) |
void |
setPathThemeImages(String pathThemeImages) |
void |
setPathThemeJavaScript(String pathThemeJavaScript) |
void |
setPathThemeRoot(String pathThemeRoot) |
void |
setPathThemeSpritemap(String pathThemeSpritemap) |
void |
setPathThemeTemplates(String pathThemeTemplates) |
void |
setPermissionChecker(PermissionChecker permissionChecker) |
void |
setPlid(long plid) |
void |
setPortalDomain(String portalDomain) |
void |
setPortalURL(String portalURL) |
void |
setPpid(String ppid) |
void |
setRealCompanyLogo(String realCompanyLogo) |
void |
setRealCompanyLogoHeight(int realCompanyLogoHeight) |
void |
setRealCompanyLogoWidth(int realCompanyLogoWidth) |
void |
setRealUser(User realUser) |
void |
setRefererGroupId(long refererGroupId) |
void |
setRefererPlid(long refererPlid) |
void |
setRemoteAddr(String remoteAddr) |
void |
setRemoteHost(String remoteHost) |
void |
setRequest(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest httpServletRequest) |
void |
setResponse(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse httpServletResponse) |
void |
setScopeGroupId(long scopeGroupId) |
void |
setSecure(boolean secure) |
void |
setServerName(String serverName) |
void |
setServerPort(int serverPort) |
void |
setSessionId(String sessionId) |
void |
setShowControlMenu(boolean showControlMenu) |
void |
setShowControlPanelIcon(boolean showControlPanelIcon) |
void |
setShowHomeIcon(boolean showHomeIcon) |
void |
setShowLayoutTemplatesIcon(boolean showLayoutTemplatesIcon) |
void |
setShowMyAccountIcon(boolean showMyAccountIcon) |
void |
setShowPageCustomizationIcon(boolean showPageCustomizationIcon) |
void |
setShowPageSettingsIcon(boolean showPageSettingsIcon) |
void |
setShowPortalIcon(boolean showPortalIcon) |
void |
setShowSignInIcon(boolean showSignInIcon) |
void |
setShowSignOutIcon(boolean showSignOutIcon) |
void |
setShowSiteAdministrationIcon(boolean showSiteAdministrationIcon) |
void |
setShowStagingIcon(boolean showStagingIcon) |
void |
setSignedIn(boolean signedIn) |
void |
setSiteDefaultLocale(Locale siteDefaultLocale) |
void |
setSiteGroupId(long siteGroupId) |
void |
setStateExclusive(boolean stateExclusive) |
void |
setStateMaximized(boolean stateMaximized) |
void |
setStatePopUp(boolean statePopUp) |
void |
setThemeCssFastLoad(boolean themeCssFastLoad) |
void |
setThemeImagesFastLoad(boolean themeImagesFastLoad) |
void |
setThemeJsBarebone(boolean themeJsBarebone) |
void |
setThemeJsFastLoad(boolean themeJsFastLoad) |
void |
setTilesContent(String tilesContent) |
void |
setTilesSelectable(boolean tilesSelectable) |
void |
setTilesTitle(String tilesTitle) |
void |
setTimeZone(TimeZone timeZone) |
void |
setUnfilteredLayouts(List<Layout> unfilteredLayouts) |
void |
setURLControlPanel(String urlControlPanel) |
void |
setURLCurrent(String urlCurrent) |
void |
setURLHome(String urlHome) |
void |
setURLLayoutTemplates(String urlLayoutTemplates) |
void |
setURLPortal(String urlPortal) |
void |
setURLPublishToLive(javax.portlet.PortletURL urlPublishToLive) |
void |
setURLSignIn(String urlSignIn) |
void |
setURLSignOut(String urlSignOut) |
void |
setUser(User user) |
void |
setWidget(boolean widget) |
ThemeDisplay |
split() |
String |
translate(String key) |
String |
translate(String pattern,
Object... arguments) |
public void clearLayoutFriendlyURL(Layout layout)
public Object clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException
in class Object
public String getCDNBaseURL()
. The CDN base URL can
be configured by setting the cdn.host.http
property in a
public String getCDNDynamicResourcesHost()
. By setting the
property to true
in a portal-ext.properties
file, the CDN can be used for
dynamic resources, like minified CSS and JS files.null
public String getCDNHost()
public String getClayCSSURL()
public ColorScheme getColorScheme()
public String getColorSchemeId()
public Company getCompany()
Company is Liferay's technical name for a portal instance.
public long getCompanyGroupId()
public long getCompanyId()
Company is Liferay's technical name for a portal instance.
public String getCompanyLogo()
Company is Liferay's technical name for a portal instance.
public int getCompanyLogoHeight()
Company is Liferay's technical name for a portal instance.
public int getCompanyLogoWidth()
Company is Liferay's technical name for a portal instance.
public Contact getContact()
public Group getControlPanelGroup()
public Layout getControlPanelLayout()
@Deprecated public User getDefaultUser() throws PortalException
@Deprecated public long getDefaultUserId() throws PortalException
public Device getDevice()
public long getDoAsGroupId()
public String getDoAsUserId()
public String getDoAsUserLanguageId()
public String getFaviconURL()
public User getGuestUser() throws PortalException
public long getGuestUserId() throws PortalException
public String getI18nLanguageId()
For example:
English (U.K.) returns en_GB
public String getI18nPath()
For example, the German localization returns /de
. Liferay's
UI language can be changed by adding the language code into the URL path.
The following URL uses the German localization:
public String getLanguageId()
For example:
English (U.K.) returns en_GB
public Layout getLayout()
Layout is Liferay's technical name for a page.
public String getLayoutFriendlyURL(Layout layout)
public List<Layout> getLayouts()
Layout is Liferay's technical name for a page.
public LayoutSet getLayoutSet()
A site can have public and private pages (layouts), which are contained in a public layout set and a private page set, respectively.
public String getLayoutSetLogo()
there is no configured logo.null
there is no configured logopublic LayoutTypePortlet getLayoutTypePortlet()
public String getLifecycle()
For example:
returns "0" for RENDER phase
returns "1" for ACTION phase
returns "2" for RESOURCE phase
returns "3" for EVENT phase
public Locale getLocale()
public String getMainCSSURL()
public String getMainJSURL()
public List<NavItem> getNavItems() throws PortalException
public String getPathApplet()
public String getPathCms()
public String getPathColorSchemeImages()
.public String getPathContext()
public String getPathControlPanelSpritemap()
public String getPathFriendlyURLPrivateGroup()
.public String getPathFriendlyURLPrivateUser()
.public String getPathFriendlyURLPublic()
.public String getPathImage()
.public String getPathJavaScript()
public String getPathMain()
.public String getPathSound()
public String getPathThemeCss()
public String getPathThemeImages()
public String getPathThemeJavaScript()
public String getPathThemeRoot()
public String getPathThemeSpritemap()
public String getPathThemeTemplates()
@JSON(include=false) public PermissionChecker getPermissionChecker()
public long getPlid()
Historically, "plid" was short for "portlet layout ID", which is the primary key (ID) of the current layout (page).
public String getPortalDomain()
public String getPortalURL()
property in a
file.@JSON(include=false) public PortletDisplay getPortletDisplay()
public String getPpid()
public String getProtocol()
public String getRealCompanyLogo()
public int getRealCompanyLogoHeight()
public int getRealCompanyLogoWidth()
public User getRealUser()
public long getRealUserId()
public Group getRefererGroup()
public long getRefererGroupId()
public long getRefererPlid()
public String getRemoteAddr()
public String getRemoteHost()
@JSON(include=false) public javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest getRequest()
@JSON(include=false) public javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse getResponse()
public Group getScopeGroup()
public long getScopeGroupId()
public String getScopeGroupName() throws PortalException
public Layout getScopeLayout() throws PortalException
public String getServerName()
property in a
property in a
filepublic int getServerPort()
or web.server.https.port
property in a portal-ext.properties
property in a
filepublic String getSessionId()
public Locale getSiteDefaultLocale()
public Group getSiteGroup()
public long getSiteGroupId()
public long getSiteGroupIdOrLiveGroupId()
public String getSiteGroupName() throws PortalException
public javax.portlet.PortletPreferences getStrictLayoutPortletSetup(Layout layout, String portletId)
public Theme getTheme()
public String getThemeId()
public String getThemeSetting(String key)
and are configurable in the user
- the theme's keypublic Properties getThemeSettings()
and are configurable in the user
interface.public String getTilesContent()
public String getTilesTitle()
public TimeZone getTimeZone()
public List<Layout> getUnfilteredLayouts()
public String getURLControlPanel()
public String getURLCurrent()
public String getURLHome()
public String getURLPortal()
public String getURLSignIn()
public String getURLSignOut()
public User getUser()
public long getUserId()
public boolean isAddSessionIdToURL()
public boolean isAjax()
public boolean isAsync()
public boolean isHubAction()
public boolean isHubPartialAction()
public boolean isHubResource()
public boolean isI18n()
public boolean isImpersonated()
if the user is being impersonated by an
administrative user.true
if the user is being impersonated by an
administrative user; false
public boolean isIncludedJs(String js)
public boolean isIncludePortletCssJs()
public boolean isIsolated()
public boolean isLifecycleAction()
public boolean isLifecycleEvent()
public boolean isLifecycleRender()
public boolean isLifecycleResource()
public boolean isPortletEmbedded(long groupId, Layout layout, String portletId)
public boolean isPortletEmbedded(String portletId)
public boolean isSecure()
public boolean isShowControlMenu()
public boolean isShowControlPanelIcon()
public boolean isShowHomeIcon()
public boolean isShowLayoutTemplatesIcon()
public boolean isShowMyAccountIcon()
public boolean isShowPageCustomizationIcon()
public boolean isShowPageSettingsIcon()
public boolean isShowPortalIcon()
public boolean isShowSignInIcon()
public boolean isShowSignOutIcon()
public boolean isShowSiteAdministrationIcon()
public boolean isShowStagingIcon()
public boolean isSignedIn()
public boolean isStateExclusive()
public boolean isStateMaximized()
public boolean isStatePopUp()
public boolean isThemeCssFastLoad()
public boolean isThemeImagesFastLoad()
public boolean isThemeJsBarebone()
public boolean isThemeJsFastLoad()
public boolean isTilesSelectable()
public boolean isWidget()
public ThemeDisplay merge(ThemeDisplay themeDisplay)
in interface Mergeable<ThemeDisplay>
public void setAddSessionIdToURL(boolean addSessionIdToURL)
public void setAjax(boolean ajax)
public void setAsync(boolean async)
public void setCDNBaseURL(String cdnBase)
public void setCDNDynamicResourcesHost(String cdnDynamicResourcesHost)
public void setCDNHost(String cdnHost)
public void setClayCSSURL(String clayCSSURL)
public void setCompany(Company company) throws PortalException
public void setCompanyLogo(String companyLogo)
public void setCompanyLogoHeight(int companyLogoHeight)
public void setCompanyLogoWidth(int companyLogoWidth)
public void setContact(Contact contact)
public void setDevice(Device device)
public void setDoAsGroupId(long doAsGroupId)
public void setDoAsUserId(String doAsUserId)
public void setDoAsUserLanguageId(String doAsUserLanguageId)
public void setFaviconURL(String faviconURL)
public void setHubAction(boolean hubAction)
public void setHubPartialAction(boolean hubPartialAction)
public void setHubResource(boolean resource)
public void setI18nLanguageId(String i18nLanguageId)
public void setI18nPath(String i18nPath)
public void setIncludePortletCssJs(boolean includePortletCssJs)
public void setIsolated(boolean isolated)
public void setLanguageId(String languageId)
public void setLayout(Layout layout)
public void setLayouts(List<Layout> layouts)
public void setLayoutSet(LayoutSet layoutSet)
public void setLayoutSetLogo(String layoutSetLogo)
public void setLayoutTypePortlet(LayoutTypePortlet layoutTypePortlet)
public void setLifecycle(String lifecycle)
public void setLifecycleAction(boolean lifecycleAction)
public void setLifecycleEvent(boolean lifecycleEvent)
public void setLifecycleRender(boolean lifecycleRender)
public void setLifecycleResource(boolean lifecycleResource)
public void setLocale(Locale locale)
public void setLookAndFeel(Theme theme, ColorScheme colorScheme)
public void setMainCSSURL(String mainCSSURL)
public void setMainJSURL(String mainJSURL)
public void setNavItems(List<NavItem> navItems)
public void setPathApplet(String pathApplet)
public void setPathCms(String pathCms)
public void setPathColorSchemeImages(String pathColorSchemeImages)
public void setPathContext(String pathContext)
public void setPathControlPanelSpritemap(String pathControlPanelSpritemap)
public void setPathFriendlyURLPrivateGroup(String pathFriendlyURLPrivateGroup)
public void setPathFriendlyURLPrivateUser(String pathFriendlyURLPrivateUser)
public void setPathFriendlyURLPublic(String pathFriendlyURLPublic)
public void setPathImage(String pathImage)
public void setPathJavaScript(String pathJavaScript)
public void setPathMain(String pathMain)
public void setPathSound(String pathSound)
public void setPathThemeCss(String pathThemeCss)
public void setPathThemeImages(String pathThemeImages)
public void setPathThemeJavaScript(String pathThemeJavaScript)
public void setPathThemeRoot(String pathThemeRoot)
public void setPathThemeSpritemap(String pathThemeSpritemap)
public void setPathThemeTemplates(String pathThemeTemplates)
public void setPermissionChecker(PermissionChecker permissionChecker)
public void setPlid(long plid)
public void setPortalDomain(String portalDomain)
public void setPortalURL(String portalURL)
public void setPpid(String ppid)
public void setRealCompanyLogo(String realCompanyLogo)
public void setRealCompanyLogoHeight(int realCompanyLogoHeight)
public void setRealCompanyLogoWidth(int realCompanyLogoWidth)
public void setRealUser(User realUser)
public void setRefererGroupId(long refererGroupId)
public void setRefererPlid(long refererPlid)
public void setRemoteAddr(String remoteAddr)
public void setRemoteHost(String remoteHost)
public void setRequest(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest httpServletRequest)
public void setResponse(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse httpServletResponse)
public void setScopeGroupId(long scopeGroupId)
public void setSecure(boolean secure)
public void setServerName(String serverName)
public void setServerPort(int serverPort)
public void setSessionId(String sessionId)
public void setShowControlMenu(boolean showControlMenu)
public void setShowControlPanelIcon(boolean showControlPanelIcon)
public void setShowHomeIcon(boolean showHomeIcon)
public void setShowLayoutTemplatesIcon(boolean showLayoutTemplatesIcon)
public void setShowMyAccountIcon(boolean showMyAccountIcon)
public void setShowPageCustomizationIcon(boolean showPageCustomizationIcon)
public void setShowPageSettingsIcon(boolean showPageSettingsIcon)
public void setShowPortalIcon(boolean showPortalIcon)
public void setShowSignInIcon(boolean showSignInIcon)
public void setShowSignOutIcon(boolean showSignOutIcon)
public void setShowSiteAdministrationIcon(boolean showSiteAdministrationIcon)
public void setShowStagingIcon(boolean showStagingIcon)
public void setSignedIn(boolean signedIn)
public void setSiteDefaultLocale(Locale siteDefaultLocale)
public void setSiteGroupId(long siteGroupId)
public void setStateExclusive(boolean stateExclusive)
public void setStateMaximized(boolean stateMaximized)
public void setStatePopUp(boolean statePopUp)
public void setThemeCssFastLoad(boolean themeCssFastLoad)
public void setThemeImagesFastLoad(boolean themeImagesFastLoad)
public void setThemeJsBarebone(boolean themeJsBarebone)
public void setThemeJsFastLoad(boolean themeJsFastLoad)
public void setTilesContent(String tilesContent)
public void setTilesSelectable(boolean tilesSelectable)
public void setTilesTitle(String tilesTitle)
public void setTimeZone(TimeZone timeZone)
public void setUnfilteredLayouts(List<Layout> unfilteredLayouts)
public void setURLControlPanel(String urlControlPanel)
public void setURLCurrent(String urlCurrent)
public void setURLHome(String urlHome)
public void setURLLayoutTemplates(String urlLayoutTemplates)
public void setURLPortal(String urlPortal)
public void setURLPublishToLive(javax.portlet.PortletURL urlPublishToLive)
public void setURLSignIn(String urlSignIn)
public void setURLSignOut(String urlSignOut)
public void setUser(User user)
public void setWidget(boolean widget)
public ThemeDisplay split()
in interface Mergeable<ThemeDisplay>
public String translate(String key)
public String translate(String pattern, Object... arguments)