public interface TrashHandler
These operations are supported for the following entities via their respective trash handlers:
located in Liferay Portal's external modules
located in Liferay Portal's external modules
in Liferay Portal's external modules
in Liferay Portal's external modules
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
SystemEvent |
addDeletionSystemEvent(long userId,
long groupId,
long classPK,
String classUuid,
String referrerClassName) |
void |
checkRestorableEntry(long classPK,
long containerModelId,
String newName) |
void |
checkRestorableEntry(TrashEntry trashEntry,
long containerModelId,
String newName)
Checks if a duplicate trash entry already exists in the destination
void |
deleteTrashEntry(long classPK)
Deletes the model entity with the primary key.
String |
Returns the class name handled by this trash handler.
ContainerModel |
getContainerModel(long containerModelId)
Returns the container model with the primary key.
String |
getContainerModelClassName(long classPK) |
String |
Returns the name of the container model (e.g. folder name).
List<ContainerModel> |
getContainerModels(long classPK,
long containerModelId,
int start,
int end)
Returns a range of all the container models that are children of the
parent container model identified by the container model ID.
int |
getContainerModelsCount(long classPK,
long containerModelId)
Returns the number of container models that are children of the parent
container model identified by the container model ID.
String |
Returns the language key to the localized message to display next to a
trash entry listed in a search result, indicating that the trash entry
was found in a trashed container (e.g. folder or message board thread)
this trash handler is associated with.
long |
getDestinationContainerModelId(long classPK,
long destinationContainerModelId) |
Filter |
getExcludeFilter(SearchContext searchContext) |
ContainerModel |
getParentContainerModel(long classPK)
Returns the parent container model of the model entity with the primary
ContainerModel |
getParentContainerModel(TrashedModel trashedModel) |
List<ContainerModel> |
getParentContainerModels(long classPK)
Returns all the parent container models of the model entity with the
primary key ordered by hierarchy.
String |
getRestoreContainedModelLink(javax.portlet.PortletRequest portletRequest,
long classPK) |
String |
getRestoreContainerModelLink(javax.portlet.PortletRequest portletRequest,
long classPK)
Returns the link to the location to which the model entity was restored.
String |
getRestoreMessage(javax.portlet.PortletRequest portletRequest,
long classPK)
Returns the message describing the location to which the model entity was
String |
Returns the name of the root container (e.g.
String |
Returns the name of the subcontainer model (e.g. for a folder the
subcontainer model name may be "subfolder").
String |
getSystemEventClassName() |
String |
Returns the name of the contained model.
int |
getTrashContainedModelsCount(long classPK)
Returns the number of model entities (excluding container model entities)
that are children of the parent container model identified by the primary
String |
Returns the name of the container model.
int |
getTrashContainerModelsCount(long classPK)
Returns the number of container models that are children of the parent
container model identified by the primary key.
TrashedModel |
getTrashedModel(long classPK) |
int |
getTrashModelsCount(long classPK) |
default List<TrashedModel> |
getTrashModelTrashedModels(long classPK,
int start,
int end,
OrderByComparator<?> orderByComparator) |
TrashRenderer |
getTrashRenderer(long classPK)
Returns the trash renderer associated to the model entity with the
primary key.
boolean |
hasTrashPermission(PermissionChecker permissionChecker,
long groupId,
long classPK,
String trashActionId)
true if the user has the required permission to
perform the trash action on the model entity with the primary key. |
boolean |
true if the entity is a container model. |
boolean |
isDeletable(long classPK)
true if the entity can be deleted from the Recycle
Bin. |
default boolean |
isInTrash(long classPK)
true if the model entity with the primary key is in
the Recycle Bin. |
boolean |
isMovable(long classPK)
true if the entity can be moved from one container
model (such as a folder) to another. |
boolean |
isRestorable(long classPK)
true if the model entity can be restored to its
original location. |
void |
moveEntry(long userId,
long classPK,
long containerModelId,
ServiceContext serviceContext)
Moves the entity with the class primary key to the container model with
the class primary key
void |
moveTrashEntry(long userId,
long classPK,
long containerModelId,
ServiceContext serviceContext)
Moves the model entity with the primary key out of the Recycle Bin to a
new destination identified by the container model ID.
void |
restoreRelatedTrashEntry(String className,
long classPK)
Restores the model entity that is related to the model entity with the
class name and class PK.
void |
restoreTrashEntry(long userId,
long classPK)
Restores the model entity with the primary key.
void |
updateTitle(long classPK,
String title)
Updates the title of the model entity with the primary key.
SystemEvent addDeletionSystemEvent(long userId, long groupId, long classPK, String classUuid, String referrerClassName) throws PortalException
void checkRestorableEntry(long classPK, long containerModelId, String newName) throws PortalException
void checkRestorableEntry(TrashEntry trashEntry, long containerModelId, String newName) throws PortalException
This method is used to check for duplicates when a trash entry is being restored or moved out of the Recycle Bin.
- the trash entry to checkcontainerModelId
- the primary key of the destination (e.g. folder)newName
- the new name to be assigned to the trash entry (optionally
to forego renaming the trash entry)PortalException
void deleteTrashEntry(long classPK) throws PortalException
- the primary key of the model entity to deletePortalException
String getClassName()
ContainerModel getContainerModel(long containerModelId) throws PortalException
- the primary key of the container modelPortalException
String getContainerModelClassName(long classPK)
String getContainerModelName()
List<ContainerModel> getContainerModels(long classPK, long containerModelId, int start, int end) throws PortalException
This method checks for the view permission when retrieving the container models.
Useful when paginating results. Returns a maximum of end -
instances. The start
and end
values are not primary keys but, rather, indexes in the result set. Thus,
refers to the first result in the set. Setting both
and end
to QueryUtil.ALL_POS
will return the full
result set.
- the primary key of a model entity the container models
must be able to containcontainerModelId
- the primary key of the parent container modelstart
- the lower bound of the range of resultsend
- the upper bound of the range of results (not inclusive)PortalException
int getContainerModelsCount(long classPK, long containerModelId) throws PortalException
This method checks for the view permission when counting the container models.
- the primary key of a model entity the container models
must be able to containcontainerModelId
- the primary key of the parent container modelPortalException
String getDeleteMessage()
If the language key (e.g. found-in-deleted-folder-x
) used
accepts a single parameter, the trash framework replaces that parameter
with the trashed container's name.
long getDestinationContainerModelId(long classPK, long destinationContainerModelId)
Filter getExcludeFilter(SearchContext searchContext)
ContainerModel getParentContainerModel(long classPK) throws PortalException
- the primary key of a model entity the container models
must be able to containPortalException
ContainerModel getParentContainerModel(TrashedModel trashedModel) throws PortalException
List<ContainerModel> getParentContainerModels(long classPK) throws PortalException
For example, if the primary key is for a file entry inside folder C, which is inside folder B, which is inside folder A; this method returns container models for folders A, B, and C.
- the primary key of a model entity the container models
must be able to containPortalException
String getRestoreContainedModelLink(javax.portlet.PortletRequest portletRequest, long classPK) throws PortalException
String getRestoreContainerModelLink(javax.portlet.PortletRequest portletRequest, long classPK) throws PortalException
- the portlet requestclassPK
- the primary key of the restored model entityPortalException
String getRestoreMessage(javax.portlet.PortletRequest portletRequest, long classPK) throws PortalException
- the portlet requestclassPK
- the primary key of the restored model entityPortalException
String getRootContainerModelName()
String getSubcontainerModelName()
String getSystemEventClassName()
String getTrashContainedModelName()
For example, "files" may be the model name for a folder and "pages" may be the model name for a wiki node.
int getTrashContainedModelsCount(long classPK) throws PortalException
For example, for a folder with subfolders and documents, the number of documents (excluding those explicitely moved to the recycle bin) is returned.
- the primary key of a container modelPortalException
String getTrashContainerModelName()
For example, "folder" may be the container model name for a file entry.
int getTrashContainerModelsCount(long classPK) throws PortalException
For example, for a folder with subfolders and documents, the number of folders (excluding those explicitly moved to the recycle bin) is returned.
- the primary key of a container modelPortalException
TrashedModel getTrashedModel(long classPK)
int getTrashModelsCount(long classPK) throws PortalException
default List<TrashedModel> getTrashModelTrashedModels(long classPK, int start, int end, OrderByComparator<?> orderByComparator) throws PortalException
TrashRenderer getTrashRenderer(long classPK) throws PortalException
- the primary key of the model entityPortalException
boolean hasTrashPermission(PermissionChecker permissionChecker, long groupId, long classPK, String trashActionId) throws PortalException
if the user has the required permission to
perform the trash action on the model entity with the primary key.
This method is a mapper for special Recycle Bin operations that are not real permissions. The implementations of this method should translate these virtual permissions to real permission checks.
- the permission checkergroupId
- the primary key of the groupclassPK
- the primary key of the model entitytrashActionId
- the trash action permission to checktrue
if the user has the required permission;
boolean isContainerModel()
if the entity is a container model.true
if the entity is a container model;
otherwiseboolean isDeletable(long classPK) throws PortalException
if the entity can be deleted from the Recycle
if the entity can be deleted from the Recycle
default boolean isInTrash(long classPK) throws PortalException
if the model entity with the primary key is in
the Recycle Bin.classPK
- the primary key of the model entitytrue
if the model entity is in the Recycle Bin;
boolean isMovable(long classPK) throws PortalException
if the entity can be moved from one container
model (such as a folder) to another.classPK
- the primary key of the model entitytrue
if the entity can be moved from one container
model to another; false
boolean isRestorable(long classPK) throws PortalException
if the model entity can be restored to its
original location.
This method usually returns false
if the container (e.g.
folder) of the model entity is no longer available (e.g. moved to the
Recycle Bin or deleted).
- the primary key of the model entitytrue
if the model entity can be restored to its
original location; false
void moveEntry(long userId, long classPK, long containerModelId, ServiceContext serviceContext) throws PortalException
- the user IDclassPK
- the primary key of the model entitycontainerModelId
- the primary key of the destination container
- the service context to be appliedPortalException
void moveTrashEntry(long userId, long classPK, long containerModelId, ServiceContext serviceContext) throws PortalException
- the user IDclassPK
- the primary key of the model entitycontainerModelId
- the primary key of the destination container
- the service context to be appliedPortalException
void restoreRelatedTrashEntry(String className, long classPK) throws PortalException
String, long)
restores the attachment related to the wiki page with the
class name and class PK.className
- the class name of the model entity with a related model
entity to restoreclassPK
- the primary key of the model entity with a related model
entity to restorePortalException
void restoreTrashEntry(long userId, long classPK) throws PortalException
- the user IDclassPK
- the primary key of the model entity to restorePortalException
void updateTitle(long classPK, String title) throws PortalException
before restoring the model entity via its restore rename action.classPK
- the primary key of the model entitytitle
- the title to be assignedPortalException