Attributes |
Name | Required | Request-time | Type | Description |
activeLanguageIds | false | true | java.lang.String | Whether to pass the active translations. |
adminMode | false | true | boolean | Whether to use admin mode to manage translations. |
autoFocus | false | true | boolean | Whether to focus on the input component by default. |
autoSize | false | true | boolean | Whether to autosize the input component. |
bean | false | true | java.lang.Object | A bean to associate with the input component. |
buttonIconOff | false | true | java.lang.String | The SVG icon markup to use in toggle-switch. |
buttonIconOn | false | true | java.lang.String | The SVG icon markup to use in toggle-switch. |
changesContext | false | true | boolean | Whether to reload the page when the value of the input changes. The default value is false . |
checked | false | true | boolean | Whether to select the input. Note that this attribute is only enabled when type is radio or checkbox . |
classPK | false | true | long | The primary key for the instance of the class. The default value is 0 . |
classTypePK | false | true | long | The primary key for the class type. The default value is -1 . |
cssClass | false | true | java.lang.String | A CSS class for styling the component. |
data | false | true | java.lang.Object | Miscellaneous data to be stored via a map. For example, the HashMap<"class-name", foo> would render as the attribute data-class-name = foo; . |
dateTogglerCheckboxLabel | false | true | java.lang.String | No Description |
defaultLanguageId | false | true | java.lang.String | The default language ID for the component. |
disabled | false | true | boolean | Whether the component is disabled. The default value is false . |
field | false | true | java.lang.String | No Description |
fieldParam | false | true | java.lang.String | A variable name to refer to the field of the component. |
first | false | true | boolean | Whether the input component should be the first element of the form. |
formName | false | true | java.lang.String | A name for the form. |
helpMessage | false | true | java.lang.String | Text to display as a help tooltip on mouse over of the component's help icon. |
helpTextCssClass | false | true | java.lang.String | A CSS class for styling the help message text. The default value is input-group-addon . |
iconOff | false | true | java.lang.String | The SVG icon markup to use in toggle-switch. |
iconOn | false | true | java.lang.String | The SVG icon markup to use in toggle-switch. |
id | false | true | java.lang.String | An ID for the component instance. |
ignoreRequestValue | false | true | boolean | Whether to ignore the value saved from the request object. The default value is false . |
inlineField | false | true | boolean | Whether to align the input's field with the next element in the form. The default value is false . |
inlineLabel | false | true | java.lang.String | The input label's text alignment. Possible values are right and left . |
label | false | true | java.lang.String | A label for the input component. If not assigned a value, the label is automatically taken from the name attribute's value. |
labelCssClass | false | true | java.lang.String | A CSS class for styling the label. |
languageId | false | true | java.lang.String | No Description |
languagesDropdownDirection | false | true | java.lang.String | No Description |
languagesDropdownVisible | false | true | boolean | No Description |
last | false | true | boolean | Whether the component should be the last element of the form. |
localized | false | true | boolean | Whether to translate the component's text features into the user's language. The default value is false . |
localizeLabel | false | true | boolean | Whether to translate the label's text into the user's language. The default value is true . |
max | false | true | java.lang.Object | The maximum value for the input if its type is number or range . Note that the max value is inclusive if the input's type is range . |
min | false | true | java.lang.Object | The minimum value for the input if its type is number or range . Note that the min value is inclusive if the input's type is range . |
model | false | true | java.lang.Class | A class for the bean object. |
multiple | false | true | boolean | No Description |
name | true | true | java.lang.String | A name for the component. If the name contains -- , the generated name will be the substring following the -- , excluding the last two characters and any prefixes. For example, the pattern prefix--customName-- would result in the name customName . If the id is not provided and the type is given, the name is used as the id . |
onChange | false | true | java.lang.String | A function to be called when the input's value changes. |
onClick | false | true | java.lang.String | A function to be called on a user clicking the input. |
placeholder | false | true | java.lang.String | Placeholder text for the input's field. |
prefix | false | true | java.lang.String | Text to display before the input. |
required | false | true | boolean | Whether to mark the input as required. |
resizable | false | true | boolean | Whether to make the input's field resizeable, if the input is of type textarea . |
selectedLanguageId | false | true | java.lang.String | Selected language ID, for the case when input is localized. |
showRequiredLabel | false | true | boolean | Whether to show the input's required label, if an input value is required. |
suffix | false | true | java.lang.String | Text to display after the input. |
title | false | true | java.lang.String | A title for the input. |
type | false | true | java.lang.String | The input's type. Possible values are text , hidden , assetCategories , assetTags , textarea , timeZone , password , checkbox , radio , submit , button , color , email , number , range , resource , url , and an empty value. If an empty value or no value is set, the input's type is obtained automatically from the input component's bean. |
useNamespace | false | true | boolean | Whether to use the default portlet namespace, to avoid name conflicts. The default value is true . |
value | false | true | java.lang.Object | A value for the input. |
wrappedField | false | true | boolean | Whether to wrap the input component in a div , that can be styled. The default value is false . If the wrapperCssClass attribute is configured, the value is set automatically to true . |
wrapperCssClass | false | true | java.lang.String | A CSS class for styling the div that wraps the input component. |